Icon Honey Range

We source some of the world’s healthiest honey from Western Australia’s iconic natural landscapes. Experience the essence of this expansive floral environment in our unique honey collection.

For those curious about the honey’s origins, each jar is marked with a batch code that traces its journey from the forests and farms to our hives. Enter the batch code number (located on the jar’s base) to discover your honey’s distinct story.

Jarrah  [Eucalyptus marginata]

Sourced from forest and farms near Dwellingup and Harvey.

Jarrah is one of the most prized honeys in Western Australia. It’s a thick, dark and rich honey that doesn’t crystalise. We are fast losing our Jarrah forests to logging, so finding it can be difficult and makes it rare. It is well known for its high antimicrobial properties making it a perfect medicinal honey.

Generally flowers September to January

Karri  [Eucalyptus diversicolour]

Sourced from farming properties near Northcliffe and Pemberton.

A light golden colour leaving a soft sweet flavour on the palate. The tree flowers every seven years! Perfect for crumpets and waffles for the subtle flavour.

Flowers through the year but mainly from December or January until April

Tuart [Eucalyptus gomphocephala]

Sourced from Ludlow

A small batch honey from one of the last stands of the native Tuart forest in the world. It has an almost toffee apple flavour and is uniquely from our region. It is a perfect honey gift.

The blossoms take three years to mature and it flowers in autumn. Local beekeepers say it used to flower regularly in the 50 – 60’s but now only on rare occasions.

Redgum (Marri) [Eucalyptus calophylla]

Sourced from farms in the Cape Naturaliste region

Redgum is a great multipurpose honey. It is a thick, caramel colour and is a familiar flavour from childhood. Like Jarrah, Marri honey has recently been proven to have very high antimicrobial properties, and can be soothing for sore throats when stirred with lemon and hot water.

Flowers February to March (sometimes flowers during December and January)


Sourced from farms at Manjimup, Yallingup, Harvey and Dwellingup

Blackbutt is a strong and rich honey with a hint of molasses. It’s a surprising honey that hits you in the back of the mouth with a full caramel flavour. Lather it on fresh scones or bread with butter or cream, or simply drizzle on your morning bowl of porridge! 

Flowers  around November to February

Whitegum (Wandoo) [Eucalyptus redunca var. elata]

Sourced from farms at Wandering and Williams

Whitegum is a light coloured, buttery toffee tasting honey with citrus overtones.  It will sometimes crystalise. It is one of our favourites in coffee or a light marinade for summer barbeques.

Flowers January to February

Peppi [Agonis flexuosa]

Sourced from local farms around Cape Naturaliste and Siesta Park

With a tangy peppermint flavour, Peppi is popular because it is something really different – like Tasmanias’s famous leatherwood honey. While there is limited research into it’s properties, local people with hayfever and allergies tell us that they use it as a way to build up tolerance to its blossom. Goes beautifully with orange and olive oil as a salad dressing.

Long flowering period from spring to late autumn

Mallee [Eucalyptus erythronema]

Sourced from Hyden

Mallee honey is called wheatbelt gold and is endemic to Western Australia. With a soft butterscotch finish, it is best sandwiched between slices of your favourite bread with a thin layer of butter.  Just suck it off the spoon!

Flowers a few months over summer.

Australian Bush

Sourced from all over the state

The unpredictability of this honey, arising from the ever-changing locations of the apiary and the flowers visited by the bees, makes each jar a delightful surprise, as you may notice subtle variations from one batch to the next.

In essence, Australian Bush honey is a testament to the natural beauty and diversity of Western Australia’s landscape. It’s a honey that encapsulates the essence of the Australian wilderness, offering a unique and ever-evolving taste that is a delight for the senses.


Sourced from the north Bindoon to Greenhead near Beekeepers Reserve

This honey has a distinctive floral flavour, a result of the bees searching in an area that is abundant with native flowers. Each year brings a changing flavour depending on what nectar the bees find and the honey may crystalise. It is a great honey for fruit salads, cooking and a touch stirred into floral herbal teas. A great everyday honey.

We head north for flowers in autumn.

Blackbutt + Redgum

Sourced from farms near Manjimup, Yallingup, Harvey and Dwellingup

The dark caramel notes of Blackbutt are enhanced with the peppery plumness of Redgum.

Great to drizzle over fresh fruit with yoghurt to add extra richness.

Flowers blossom over the summer period.

Creamed Honey

“MMMMmmmm…”  you will find our creamed honey is delicate and smooth and it is just delicious on anything!

The honey is ‘whipped’ slowly over 48 hours and then chilled.